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OMSC40N series miniature high-precision motorized stages
Product description
  • The grinding ball screws with a small lead range works with the two-phase stepping motor to deliver excellent micro-stepping performance.
  • Guided by the wide precision linear sliding guide, this product family can ensure an ideal motion accuracy and stability.
  • The guide mounting surface is subject to the precise grinding process, which effectively ensures the guide precision.
  • With three built-in sensors (positive and negative limit sensor and zero-point sensor), high-flexible cables are arranged in a modular manner, providing easy access to maintenance points.
  • The unique assembly technique is applied to ensure the product consistency;

     The OMSC40N series of miniature high-precision motorized stages is an upgraded version of the OMSC40 series. It is designed with a single wide guide, delivering more favorable rigidity, precision and stability. Equipped with high-precision ball screws and a two-phase stepping motor as a standard configuration, this product series provides excellent micro-stepping performance and high positioning accuracy.

General parameters
Guide(guide mechanism)
Precision wide sliding guide
1/20 step open-loop resolution
0.25 μm
Full-step resolution
5 μm
Repositioning accuracy
±10 μm
OMSC40N series miniature high-precision motorized stages
  • Is an upgraded version of the OMSC40 series

  • Travel range20/50/100mm options to choose;

  • It is designed with a single wide guide, delivering more favorable rigidity, precision and stability

  • Equipped with high-precision ball screws and a two-phase stepping motor as a standard configuration, this product series provides excellent micro-stepping performance and high positioning accuracy.

Model Table top size Travel range Contrast File Unit-price Delivery date Cart
OMSC4020N 40 × 40 mm 20 mm
$450.66 Contact customer service
OMSC4050N 40 × 40 mm 50 mm
$586.76 Contact customer service
OMSC40100N 40 × 40 mm 100 mm
$670.19 Contact customer service