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Ge windows
Product description
  • material:Ge
  • Effective aperture:90%
  • Usage: Infrared laser applications.

       Featuring a wide transmission range of infrared spectrum, germanium is very suitable for infrared laser applications. The spectral transmittance of germanium is very sensitive to temperature. The material absorption becomes extremely high at an ambient temperature of 100°C, making it almost opaque to light, and completely opaque at an ambient temperature of 200 °C. Since germanium contains harmful substances, operators must wear gloves, filter dust masks, chemical safety goggles, and impermeable work clothes during operation, and wash hands after operation. OMTOOLS offers windows made of different materials to meet various commercial and scientific applications.

Schematic drawing
Universal parameter
Ge (Germanium)
Contour tolerance
Thickness tolerance


Reflective surface figure fineness


Degree of finish



<1 arc min

Effective aperture
Coating film
Custom Design
Ge windows
Model Contour diameter Dia Contrast File Unit-price Delivery date Cart
OWG080000 25.40 mm
$50.89 Contact customer service